Dr. Hoffman made five flights as a space shuttle astronaut, including the first mission to repair the Hubble space telescope.
With the completion of his fifth space flight, he has logged more than 1,211 hours and 21.5 million miles in space. Dr. Hoffman was NASA’s second Jewish astronaut and the second Jewish man in space (after Soviet cosmonaut Boris Volynov), and on his 5th and last flight, he took with him a small Torah scroll, and read from the book of Genesis during the flight.
Dr. Hoffman came to the Technion and gave an interesting talk at the visitors’ centre about the work being done on Mars.
After the lecture Dr. Hoffman came to visit ASRI, where he was met by ASRI’s Director, Prof. Yoram Rozen, and toured ASRI’s different labs.
Then signed the branded envelopes made especially of the occasion.